Our four year programme places our research students on industry inspired projects leading to award of PhD or EngD. The EngD qualification is an alternative to a traditional PhD aimed at students seeking a career in industry, and reflects the innovative nature of industrial research.
Students spend around 75% of their time working directly with a company, in addition to receiving advanced-level training from a broad portfolio of technical and business courses.
The research projects will offer benefits to your company by:
Increasing the research portfolio in a cost-effective way
Providing access to University laboratories and facilities
- Creating opportunities to make contacts with other sponsor companies
- Aiding the retention of existing staff who wish to study for a doctorate degree and continue with their employment
Fully-funded scholarships available
Latest News
CDT 2024 Conference
The CDT in Applied Photonics held its conference on 1 July 2025 at Heriot-Watt University, at which we formally launched our new ESPRC Doctoral Training
Outreach at Glasgow Science Centre
On 11 April 2024 our third year students showcased their simple, but ingenious and creative designs to capture the interest of visitors during the ‘Meet
Viva Success
Congratulations to our Research Engineers – Gary Quinn – who had a successful viva in January 2024, and Natalie Bruce and Rachel Cannon, who passed